Posted By : Shubham
A multi-token wallet created using crypto wallet development services lets users hold and manage various Ethereum-based tokens (like ERC-20 tokens) all in one place. Instead of separate wallets for each token, a multi-token wallet displays balances, lets users transfer tokens, and connects with the Ethereum blockchain for real-time data.
To interact with Ethereum, you'll need Web3.js. If you're using Node.js, install it with:
npm install web3
we'll use an Infura endpoint (a popular service for Ethereum APIs).
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3('');
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const account = web3.eth.accounts.create();
To use an existing wallet, you can import the private key:
const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY');
To interact with an ERC-20 token, use its contract address and ABI.
const tokenAbi = [
// ERC-20 balanceOf function
{ 'constant': true,
'inputs': [{'name': '_owner', 'type': 'address'}],
'name': 'balanceOf',
'outputs': [{'name': 'balance', 'type': 'uint256'}],
'type': 'function' },
// ERC-20 decimals function
'constant': true,
'inputs': [],
'name': 'decimals',
'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'uint8'}],
'type': 'function'
const tokenAddress = 'TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS';
const tokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract(tokenAbi, tokenAddress);
Also, Read | How to Build a Multi-Chain Account Abstraction Wallet
To display token balances, call the token's balanceOf
function with the user's address:
async function getTokenBalance(walletAddress) {
const balance = await tokenContract.methods.balanceOf(walletAddress).call();
const decimals = await tokenContract.methods.decimals().call();
return balance / Math.pow(10, decimals);
Sending tokens is similar to checking balances. However, this requires a signed transaction with the user's private key.
async function transferTokens(toAddress, amount) {
const decimals = await tokenContract.methods.decimals().call();
const adjustedAmount = amount * Math.pow(10, decimals);
const tx = {
from: account.address,
to: tokenAddress,
gas: 200000,
data: tokenContract.methods.transfer(toAddress, adjustedAmount).encodeABI()
const signedTx = await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, account.privateKey);
return web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTx.rawTransaction);
transferTokens('RECIPIENT_ADDRESS', 1).then(console.log);
Also, Read | ERC 4337 : Account Abstraction for Ethereum Smart Contract Wallets
A multi-token wallet should also show the ETH balance. Use Web3's getBalance
function to retrieve it:
async function getEthBalance(walletAddress) {
const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(walletAddress);
return web3.utils.fromWei(balance, 'ether');
Building a multi-token crypto wallet with Web3.js is straightforward, allowing you to manage ETH and various ERC-20 tokens in one interface. With Web3's tools, you can create a secure, decentralized wallet that handles multiple tokens, enabling users to view balances, make transfers, and more. If you are to build an advanced crypto wallet, connect with our crypto wallet developers for a thorough consultation and get started.
February 13, 2025 at 05:55 pm
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