
Coin Zoom is a cutting-edge digital currency trading platform designed to meet the needs of institutional investors. With a focus on providing a secure and reliable trading environment, Coin Zoom offers a wide range of services, including buying, selling, and trading popular digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, and more. As a trusted platform, Coin Zoom ensures that investors have access to top digital currency pairs and robust trading tools to make informed investment decisions. Whether it's individual traders or institutional investors, Coin Zoom provides a seamless and efficient trading experience for those looking to participate in the digital currency market.


our work
our work

Scope of Work

As part of our scope of work for the Coin Zoom project, our goal was to deliver a comprehensive set of services and solutions to enhance the digital currency trading platform for institutional investors. Our deliverables included re-designing the user interface (UI) of the Coin Zoom exchange to improve user experience and accessibility. We also had to provide full backend development, integrating Bitgo for enhanced security measures. Our team had to develop an operational exchange platform for both mobile and web applications, along with an admin section for efficient management of the exchange platform. 

Our Solution

In our solution for the CoinZoom project, we provided the finest services that were implemented using various technologies, including Android, AngularJS, blockchain, cryptocurrency, iOS, Java, and Spring Boot, to ensure a robust and efficient digital currency exchange platform.

  • Consulting design and implementation of the project.
  • Order Services: Storing data in a MySQL database.
  • Trade Services: Used as a ticker for executed trades.
  • Integration with IdentityMind for KYC updates, bank information updates, and personal information/settings.
  • Integration with Bitgo for managing financial information.
  • Integration with Bitgo for scenarios requiring blockchain deposit and withdrawal from outside the system.
  • Authentication & Authorization Service adding liquidity from third-party providers.
  • Trade Chart Service using ChartIQ to create trade data for candlestick graphs from the Order Book database and save it in the trade chart database.

our work

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