
WethioX is a cryptocurrency exchange platform focused on simplifying the buying, selling, and trading of digital currencies. When approaching Oodles, WethioX required the development of a minimum viable product (MVP) for a peer-to-peer crypto exchange. The solution involved creating a web-based trading platform with an easy-to-use experience, developing a Super Admin panel for management, and building dedicated iOS and Android applications. 

our work
our work

Scope of Work

WethioX reached out to Oodles to address their need for a minimum viable product (MVP) for a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange. The goal was to create a seamless, multi-platform trading experience. The project involved developing a web-based trading platform with an intuitive user interface for buying and selling cryptocurrencies, as well as a web-based Super Admin panel for managing the exchange. Separate iOS and Android applications were also required for mobile trading. The deliverables ensured a secure, user-friendly, and efficient crypto exchange solution accessible across various platforms.

Our Solution

Our solution for this project encompassed the following services and technologies:

  • Market-Making Functionality: Implemented to enhance liquidity and revenue through transaction commissions from bid-ask spreads or fees, providing a dynamic trading environment.
  • Super Admin Panel: Developed to offer advanced management tools and oversight capabilities for the crypto exchange, ensuring smooth operational control.
  • Multi-Currency Support: Integrated a diverse range of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Glouki, Zynecoin, and Zyrri tokens, catering to various investment strategies.
  • Referral Program: Enabled users to refer others and earn trading benefits, enhancing user engagement and platform value.
  • Tech Stack: Utilized Angular and JavaScript for a responsive frontend, and Spring Boot for a secure and reliable backend, ensuring a seamless and efficient trading experience across iOS and Android applications.

our work

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Oodles | Blockchain Development Company

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