
WethioX is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that offers a user-friendly interface for effortless buying, selling, and trading of cryptocurrencies. The platform allows users to make easy deposits and withdrawals. It enables users to assess their portfolio performance and manage all their cryptocurrencies in a convenient place. The platform prioritizes security and ensures smooth transactions backed by real-time market data. WethioX offers intuitive graphs, smooth cross-platform compatibility, and fast transactions, among other tools and features. The platform is designed to make crypto trading accessible and reliable. Additionally, the platform offers a referral program to benefit users. 

our work
our work

Scope of Work

The scope of our work was to create a minimum viable product (MVP) for a peer-to-peer crypto exchange accessible on multiple platforms. We had to develop a web trading platform with a highly convenient user experience for buying and selling cryptocurrencies. Additionally, we had to create a web-based Super Admin panel to manage the exchange. We had to develop separate applications for iOS and Android for seamless trading on mobile devices. We aimed to deliver a fully functional and user-friendly crypto exchange solution for secure and efficient peer-to-peer cryptocurrency trading across various platforms. 

Our Solution

We developed a crypto exchange designed for both newcomers and experienced traders for enhanced trading experience. We created dedicated iOS and Android applications to ensure a streamlined trading experience on mobile devices. Our solution for the Wethio exchange project includes the following features and technologies:

  • Market-Making Functionality: We've implemented market-making functionality that allows the exchange to act as a market maker. WethioX earns revenue through transaction commissions from bid-ask spreads or fees, enhancing liquidity and ensuring a dynamic trading environment.
  • Super Admin Panel: We developed this panel to manage and oversee various aspects of the crypto exchange. It provides administrators with advanced tools and controls to perform management tasks. 
  • Multi-Currency Support: We have seamlessly integrated a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Glouki, Zynecoin, and Zyrri tokens for diverse investment strategies. 
  • Referral Program: Users can easily refer others and earn trading benefits, adding extra value to their Wethio exchange experience.
  • Frontend: For frontend development, we've leveraged Angular and JavaScript to create a responsive and intuitive user interface. 
  • Backend: On the backend, we've utilized Spring Boot, a robust Java framework, to ensure the highest levels of security and reliability for the platform. 

our work

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