How to Use a Web3js Call Contract Function

Posted By : Divyansh

May 08, 2023

What is Web3.js in Blockchain Development?


Web3.js is a JavaScript library that provides a way to interact with Ethereum-based applications. For smart contract development, it allows developers to send transactions, interact with smart contracts, and access Ethereum accounts from JavaScript applications.


Web3.js provides a set of APIs that allow developers to interact with Ethereum-based applications. These APIs include:


  • Web3: The main interface for interacting with Ethereum. It provides functions for interacting with accounts, contracts, and the Ethereum network.
  • Eth: An interface for interacting with the Ethereum network. It provides functions for sending transactions and querying the network.
  • Contract: An interface for interacting with smart contracts. It provides functions for deploying, interacting with, and listening to events from smart contracts.


Below are the steps to Use a Web3.js Call Contract Function:


1. Install Web3.js - Web3.js is a JavaScript library that provides a way to interact with Ethereum-based applications. You can install it using a package manager like npm or yarn. For example, to install it using npm, run the following command in your terminal:


          npm install web3


     yarn add web3


2. Connect to a Provider - A provider is an object that allows you to communicate with an Ethereum node. You can use the default provider provided by MetaMask or create a custom provider using tools like Infura. In this example, we'll use the default provider provided by MetaMask. Here's how to create a Web3 object and connect to the provider:


         import Web3 from 'web3';

        const web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum);


3. Load the Contract ABI - The ABI (Application Binary Interface) is a JSON file that describes the interface of the smart contract, including the functions that it exposes. You can load the ABI using the required function in Node.js or by fetching it from a URL. In this example, we'll load it using required:


     import contractABI from './contractABI.json';


Note: - If you are not able to import the JSON file, install json-loader package using npm or yarn


Also, Explore | A Developer Guide to Smart Contract ABI


          npm install json-loader


          yarn add json-loader


            or use require

              const contractABI = require('./contractABI.json');


4. Create an Instance of the Contract - Once you have a Web3 object and the contract ABI, you can create an instance of the contract using the web3.eth.Contract() function:


     const contractAddress = '0x123456789abcdef123456789abcdef123456789';

     const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractABI, contractAddress);


5. Call a Contract Function - You can call a specific function on the smart contract using the contract.methods object. For example, if the function is called, getValue you can call it using contract.methods.getValue().call().


Here's an example:


      .then(value => console.log(`The value is ${value}`))

     .catch(error => console.error(error));


In this example, we're calling the getValue function using the call() method. The value returned by the function is logged to the console.




Using Web3.js to call a contract function is relatively simple. You need to load the contract ABI, create an instance of the contract, and call the specific function on the contract using the contract.methods object. With Web3.js, you can interact with Ethereum-based applications from your JavaScript applications, which opens up a whole world of possibilities for decentralized applications.


For more blockchain development-related information or your project development, connect with smart contract developers

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