How to Create a Smart Contract for Lottery System

Posted By : Sarthak

Jul 29, 2024

Implementing a lottery smart contract using Solidity is an exciting venture into the world of blockchain technology. This guide will walk you through all the essential components of a lottery contract, using the provided functions as a foundation. For more information about smart contracts, visit our smart contract development services

An Overview of the Lottery Contract


The lottery contract enables players to enter by sending a small amount of Ether, and a winner is selected randomly. The contract is designed to be simple yet effective, ensuring transparency and fairness in the lottery program.


Also, Explore | A Quick Guide to Ethereum Loyalty Program Development


Key Components


Owner: There is only 1 owner who deploys the contract with the authority to pick the winner.
Players: Players who enter the lottery by sending Ether of a minimum limit of 0.00001.
Winner: One of the players selected randomly to receive the total Ether collected.




Environment Setup: Ensure you have NodeJS and npm installed.

MetaMask: Must have installed MetaMask and set up an account(For PRIVATE KEY, API KEY, and POLYGON URL).

Polygon amoy Testnet Faucet: To pay the amount of Ether for the lottery. Get some test ETH from the Polygon amoy faucet(TESTNET).


Also, Check | NFT-Based Loyalty Programs: Revamping Customer Engagement




// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
contract Lottery {
   address public owner;
   address payable[] public players;
   address public winner;

   constructor() {
       owner = msg.sender;

   modifier onlyOwner() {
       require(msg.sender == owner);

   function enter() public payable {
       require(msg.value >= 0.00001 ether);
   function generateRandomNumber() public view returns (uint8) {
               ) % 251
   //Picking winnner using random number
   function pickWinner() public onlyOwner {
       uint256 index = generateRandomNumber() % players.length;
       //transfer reward to the winner
       winner = players[index];
       //reset the state of the contract
       players = new address payable[](0);


Also, Read | Advancing Loyalty Programs with Hyperledger Blockchain


Set Version of Solidity:-

- License identifiers in Solidity smart contracts, specifically the MIT license.
- The version of the Solidity compiler in which the code is compatible with and (^) indicates that the code can be compiled with any version from 0.8.9 up to, but not including, 0.9.0.

Firstly create a contract named Lottery, containing three variable owners (who calls the contract), players as an array(which allows multiple users to stake ETH in our contract), a winner(randomly generated from one of the players).


Explanation of Functions:-

Constructor: Initializes the contract by setting the owner to the address that deployed it.

ownerFn Modifier: Ensures that only the contract owner can execute certain functions(enhancing security).

enter function: By sending a minimum amount of ETH, It Allows players to enter the lottery. The player's address is stored in the player's array.

generateRandomNumber function: Based on the current block's timestamp, the previous block's hash, and the list of players, it Generates a random pseudo-random number for selecting the winner.  

pickWinner Function: Only the owner can call this function to select a winner. It uses the random number to index into the player's array and transfers the entire balance of the contract to the winner. The player array is reset after the winner is selected.

Use the following command to run and verify that the contract has been deployed use the below command

- npx hardhat run <PATH OF SMART CONTRACT FILE> --network polygon (This command will return Lottery contract address)
- npx hardhat verify --network polygon <LOTTERY CONTRACT ADDRESS FROM PREVIOUS COMMAND>




In conclusion, developing a smart contract for a lottery system offers a fascinating intersection of technology, transparency, and innovation. By leveraging blockchain's immutable and decentralized nature, developers can create a lottery that is not only secure and fair but also highly efficient. The use of smart contracts ensures that the entire process"”from ticket sales to prize distribution"”is automated and tamper-proof, enhancing trust among participants. As we've explored, the key elements include setting up the rules, securing the contract, and ensuring the user interface is intuitive. With careful consideration and meticulous development, a blockchain-based lottery can provide an engaging and trustworthy experience for all users. Whether for entertainment or charity, smart contracts open up new possibilities for creating transparent and equitable gaming platforms. If you have a project in mind, connect with our smart contract developers to get started. 


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