
How to Deploy a Smart Contract to Polygon zkEVM Testnet

Posted By : Himanshu

Jul 16, 2024

Deploying a smart contract to the Polygon zkEVM Testnet is crucial for developers looking to leverage the power of zero-knowledge proofs on a scalable and Ethereum-compatible network. The Polygon zkEVM Testnet combines the benefits of Ethereum's robust security with Polygon's high throughput and low transaction costs, making it an ideal platform for decentralized blockchain app development. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of deploying a smart contract on the Polygon zkEVM Testnet, from setting up your development environment to writing, compiling, and deploying your contract. Whether you're a seasoned blockchain developer or new to the world of smart contracts, this tutorial will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to harness the potential of Polygon zkEVM for your projects.


Deploying a Smart Contract to the Polygon zkEVM Testnet



1. Node.js and npm**: Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed.

2. MetaMask: Have MetaMask installed and set up.

3. Polygon zkEVM Testnet Faucet: Get some test ETH from the Polygon zkEVM faucet to pay for gas fees.


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Steps involved in the deployment of the smart contract :-


1. Set Up a Development Environment:-


a) Install Truffle:

   npm install -g truffle


b) Create a Truffle Project:


   mkdir myPolygonZkEvmProject
   cd myPolygonZkEvmProject
   truffle init


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2. Create a Smart Contract :-


1) Create a Contract:


Navigate to the `contracts` directory and create a new Solidity file, for example, MyContract.sol:

Solidity code :- 

 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

    contract MyContract {
        string public message;

        constructor(string memory initialMessage) {
            message = initialMessage;

        function updateMessage(string memory newMessage) public {
            message = newMessage;


2. Compile the Contract:

   truffle compile


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3. Configure Truffle for Polygon zkEVM Testnet :-


a) Install HDWallet Provider:
   npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider


b) Update `truffle-config.js:

Replace the contents of truffle-config.js with:


javascript code 
    const HDWalletProvider = require('@truffle/hdwallet-provider');
    const fs = require('fs');
    const mnemonic = fs.readFileSync(".secret").toString().trim();
    const infuraKey = fs.readFileSync(".infuraKey").toString().trim();

    module.exports = {
      networks: {
        zkEvmTestnet: {
          provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(
          network_id: 1442, // Polygon zkEVM Testnet network id
          gas: 2000000,
          confirmations: 2,
          timeoutBlocks: 200,
          skipDryRun: true
      compilers: {
        solc: {
          version: "^0.8.0"


- Create a .secret file in the root of your project and add your MetaMask mnemonic phrase.

- Create a .infuraKey file and add your Infura project ID.


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4. Deploy the Smart Contract :-


a) Create Migration Script:

In the `migrations` directory, create a new file 2_deploy_contracts.js:


    const MyContract = artifacts.require("MyContract");

    module.exports = function (deployer) {
      deployer.deploy(MyContract, "Hello, Polygon zkEVM!");


b) Deploy:


truffle migrate --network zkEvmTestnet


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5. Interact with the Deployed Contract:-


You can interact with the deployed contract using Truffle Console:


truffle console --network zkEvmTestnet


In the console, you can run commands like:


Javascript code - 

let instance = await MyContract.deployed();
let message = await instance.message();
await instance.updateMessage("Hello, zkEVM!");
message = await instance.message();


Additional Tips

- Verify Contract: Use block explorer for the Polygon zkEVM Testnet to verify your contract.
- Use Remix: If you prefer a web-based IDE, you can use Remix to write, compile, and deploy your contracts.


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Deploying a smart contract to the Polygon zkEVM Testnet allows developers to experience the advantages of zero-knowledge proofs in a scalable environment and prepares them for the future of Ethereum-compatible applications. By following this guide, you have set up your development environment, written and compiled your contract, and successfully deployed it to the testnet. This process demonstrates how the Polygon zkEVM combines Ethereum's security with Polygon's efficiency, offering a robust platform for decentralized applications. If you have a project in that mind that you want to develop on Polygon, consider connecting with our skilled blockchain developers to get started. 

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